Book the best dementia care services.

If you or your loved ones are dealing with dementia and finding it difficult to control and reduce the symptoms, consult our care services today. Our experts will help you understand what exactly dementia is and how you need to take care of your loved one with dementia.

There are tremendous benefits of our dementia caring services that you will be glad to avail yourself of.

Innovative dementia caring services

With a team of experts who has years of experience in handling thousands of dementia patients, we ensure that you will get the best caring services at our centre. Our professional team will focus on your individual needs and give you the innovative care-providing services.

Our Aim

At KLC Senior Care, we aim to offer the best quality of life to people who are suffering from dementia so that they can also enjoy their life to the fullest. We will provide the highest level of care and attention to your loved ones in our care centre and keeping them safe with our 24/7 services.

We care for your loved ones.

Every staff member at KLC will care for your loved one the way you do. Keeping patients’ care is our topmost priority, we ensure to make them content and satisfied with our services. Besides that, our staff has undergone extensive training sessions that make them highly proficient and expert in their job scope.

When do you need to consult us?

Reach out to us, If you have observe the following signs and symptoms that happen to your loved ones:

  • Cognitive problems like memory and attention.
  • Balance issues.
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Aggression
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Sleeping regulatory problems
  • Eating issues

We’re here to provide a proper plan and customised dementia care plan for your loved ones.

Why choose us?

24/7 Assistance

Since the significant issue in dementia patients is that they have problems with their memory, which eventually makes it difficult for the family members to manage things.

With our dementia care services, you will get complete assistance in handling and caring for your elders. Thus, no need to stress yourself out, as we will be there to offer you a helping hand at each stage.

Trained staff

Our staff is adequately trained and will help you in supporting and caring for your elders the right way.


We also involve our patients in various interactive activities, which keeps them safe and happy. By doing so, this will keep their mind and body alert and active.

Nursing care

We have a special nursing care facility for dementia patients that looks after their needs and monitors their condition regularly.

Proper assessment of patients

Before the start of the dementia caring service, we make sure that our experts correctly assess the patient. Our team of doctors, nurses, psychologists, and nutritionists will collectively examine the current condition of the patient so that a proper care plan can be executed.

Contact us today.

One of the main things distinguish us from our competitors is that we have made our patients our top priority from the very first day. We offer your elders completely personalised plans that are according to their needs. Besides that, we try our level best to provide them with the highest quality services that help in slowing down the effects and symptoms of dementia. We’re here to help you out with our best dementia care services for your parents or loved ones. Schedule a tour now!

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